
Pantone Connect premium access

Licens för domänbaserad access Pantone Connect Premium 1 år för 10+ användare, med rabattstegen 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% beroende på antal användare.

Pantone Connect App med Domänbaserad Licens ger Premium uppgradering i molnbaserat verktyg för Pantone's alla färgbibliotek, som du kommer åt på alla dina digitala plattformar. Sök färger, konvertera mellan färgbiblioteken, spara färgkartor, PLUG-IN till Adobe Cloud: detta är enda sättet att komma åt över 15.000 Pantone färger. Domänbaserad Licens Connect Premium säkrar upp ert färgsättningsflöde och uppdaterar nya färger automatiskt, så att du lugnt kan designa både produkter, förpackningar och kommunikation med Pantone's senaste färgval och dela i teamet.

Domänbaserad Licens ger direkt access. För pris, fyll i antal så räknas pris ut automatiskt nedan. Önskas en kompletterande SSO-lösning? Kontakta oss.

Översikt över alla användbara applikationer du får i Connect Premium, inkl Plug in till Adobe Creative Cloud, skrolla ned:
Artikelnr: DIGPAN102
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Pantone Connect Basic - versus- Premium upgrade access

Pantone Connect Basic App is FREE. It includes access to 15,000+ Pantone Colors, Search, Pick, and Measure Tools with Pantone Reference Numbers, and the ability to save and share up to 10 palettes on web, mobile.

Pantone Connect Premium access allows you to Plug-In all the 15,000+ Pantone Colors into your Adobe® Extension. Without Premium, you will not have this possibility. Here you see the difference of what you can expect in Basic versus Premium access:

Why you should upgrade to Pantone Premium Connect;

Pantone Connect basic version is free and includes the Colour Finder, Pick, and Measure tools. To access all the features above and below stated, and to save and share colours in your digital design workflow (like Adobe), you need to upgrade and subscribe to the  premium version. This gives you access for a full year.

Pantone Connect is available in the Adobe Extension Marketplace for use in Adobe Creative Suite, App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android) for your smartphone, and as a web application for your web browser.

Key Pantone Connect features and tools include:

  • Search/Finder – View thousands of colours in more than a dozen Pantone libraries to find exactly the colours you want.
  • Pick – Select your desired colors for a given project.
  • Measure – Use the Pantone Color Match Card with Pantone Connect Mobile App to capture color inspiration in the real world, wherever you find it.
  • Convert – Find the nearest RGB/CMYK/Hex/L*a*b* color equivalents to Pantone colors or convert between Pantone colors in different libraries.
  • Extract – Isolate colors in digital files and find their nearest Pantone color matches.
  • My Color Story – NEW mood board function lets you use 1, 3, or 5 images to create a colour collage and isolate relevant colors to create your own original color story.
  • Color Harmonies and Color Shades – Build smarter palettes leveraging Pantone’s powerful color psychology and theory tools to find ideal pairings for your preferred colors.
  • Export to ASE Files – Create Adobe Swatch Exchange files to share colors easily between popular Adobe® programs like Photoshop®, Illustrator®, and InDesign®.
  • Accessibility Support – See how your palettes may appear to people with common color blindness.
  • Light & Dark Simulations – Compare your color choices against light and dark backgrounds.
  • Share – Send palettes to everyone who needs to use or review your color schemes.
  • Collaborate – Build consensus and ensure quality control up and down your entire design workflow.

Pantone Connect Basic - versus- Premium upgrade access

Pantone Connect Basic App is FREE. It includes access to 15,000+ Pantone Colors, Search, Pick, and Measure Tools with Pantone Reference Numbers, and the ability to save and share up to 10 palettes on web, mobile.

Pantone Connect Premium access allows you to Plug-In all the 15,000+ Pantone Colors into your Adobe® Extension. Without Premium, you will not have this possibility. Here you see the difference of what you can expect in Basic versus Premium access:

Why you should upgrade to Pantone Premium Connect;

Pantone Connect basic version is free and includes the Colour Finder, Pick, and Measure tools. To access all the features above and below stated, and to save and share colours in your digital design workflow (like Adobe), you need to upgrade and subscribe to the  premium version. This gives you access for a full year.

Pantone Connect is available in the Adobe Extension Marketplace for use in Adobe Creative Suite, App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android) for your smartphone, and as a web application for your web browser.

Key Pantone Connect features and tools include:

  • Search/Finder – View thousands of colours in more than a dozen Pantone libraries to find exactly the colours you want.
  • Pick – Select your desired colors for a given project.
  • Measure – Use the Pantone Color Match Card with Pantone Connect Mobile App to capture color inspiration in the real world, wherever you find it.
  • Convert – Find the nearest RGB/CMYK/Hex/L*a*b* color equivalents to Pantone colors or convert between Pantone colors in different libraries.
  • Extract – Isolate colors in digital files and find their nearest Pantone color matches.
  • My Color Story – NEW mood board function lets you use 1, 3, or 5 images to create a colour collage and isolate relevant colors to create your own original color story.
  • Color Harmonies and Color Shades – Build smarter palettes leveraging Pantone’s powerful color psychology and theory tools to find ideal pairings for your preferred colors.
  • Export to ASE Files – Create Adobe Swatch Exchange files to share colors easily between popular Adobe® programs like Photoshop®, Illustrator®, and InDesign®.
  • Accessibility Support – See how your palettes may appear to people with common color blindness.
  • Light & Dark Simulations – Compare your color choices against light and dark backgrounds.
  • Share – Send palettes to everyone who needs to use or review your color schemes.
  • Collaborate – Build consensus and ensure quality control up and down your entire design workflow.

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